Публикации с тэгом "Interest rate"
Microsoft приглашает украинских студентов на интервью
Компания Microsoft проводит интервью для студентов 3-6 курсов для трудоустройства или прохождения стажировки по разработке программного обеспечения в Редмонде, штат Вашингтон, США по следующим специальностям: Инженер по разработке программного обеспечения (SDE) Инженер–тестировщик по разработке программного обеспечения (SDET) Студенты, выпускающиеся в 2011/2012 годах интервьюируются на постоянную работу(Full Time), а выпускающиеся в 2013 году на летнюю стажировку(Internship) после 4-го курса. Дл...
СТАТЬЯ 15th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2009)
For close to two decades the COMAD - International Conference on Management of Data, modeled along the lines of ACM SIGMOD, has been the premier international database conference hosted in India. The first COMAD was held in 1989, and it has been held on a nearly annual basis since then (except for a few breaks such as in the years when VLDB and ICDE were held in India). COMAD as always had a significant international participation, with about 30% of the papers being from outside India, including...
СТАТЬЯ 1000 downloads from Codeplex!
Hi! I've started "Data Mining Source Code" blog just one month ago and happy to announce the 1000th download from the codeplex project. I think this is a good start and says about interest to the Data Mining topic. Look forward to your feedbacks!
"Websites Screenshots & Thumbnails Extractor" is released on CodePlex!
Hello, all! This is my first project I publiched on the CodePlex but I hope not the last [:)]. May be you know about my big interest to the different extracting things and the "Websites Screenshots & Thumbnails Extractor" project is one of the results of it. As it is my first project on the CodePlex please don't kick me very hard [:)]. CopePlex project url: http://www.codeplex.com/ScreenshotsExtractor. So, "Websites Screenshots & Thumbnails Extractor" is a windows-based application written on C#...